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Be 50k loose
Bet 100k loose
Bet 200k loose
Bet 400k win =800k
Loose = 350k
Profit 50k
Pretty simple.
Always says that but never how
Not one blink between the two of them
Why don’t you explain the reverse engineering process and let us know your secrets?
He has no advantage. Just pure luck and a good intution.
This whole conversation is staged
Mikki has played tens of thousands of hands, if not hundreds of thousands of hands in a game of pure luck where the house has an edge of 1.06%. He claims to be up a lot.
Are there other possibilities than these?
1. He cheats.
2. He is lying.
3. He is one of the luckiest people to ever play in Vegas.
Mikki, what do you think about delayed martingale, say only starting to do it once you lose 3 hands in a row betting on Player. So you make a deal that you will not accept losing more than 3 hands in a row. Works for me good but curious your take on it.